Priveyo Private Social Network

Priveyo Private Social Network

Sunday, December 29, 2013

What Don’t You Know about Social Media Apps?

Do you think you know who is using social media apps? If you are thinking it is all teenagers, think again! In fact, on sites like Facebook the demographic has definitely shifted from teenagers and young adults to the over 40 crowd and this is only one new statistic out about who is accessing social media. It is safe to say that social networking online has become a standard part of American life, which means it can be a useful tool for businesses and small groups.

Along with rising numbers of users, studies are showing people are logging into their online profiles numerous times per day. One study showed Facebook users check their profile at least four times per day on average. What does this mean for a small group or large company? Social media is becoming an ingrained habit in the lives of many Americans, which could result in great success with a private social media app.

Currently there is a push to achieve broader brand recognition with social media, but only about a third of current users are actively following their favorite brands. This means there is a huge opportunity for improvement. Companies who actively court and engage their customers on social media are going to reap huge benefits, if it is done correctly.

What other factors could be important to your group or organization? Are you trying to start a small local chapter supporting your political party? It might be important for you to know that 33% of Twitter users self-identify as democrats. Are you looking to start an English as a second language group in your hometown? Hispanics now lead in the percentage of people actively engaged in social media platforms.

Is it safe to assume that social media has changed the way we live our lives and the way we do business? That would be a resounding yes, on all accounts. This is a current trend and while it is still on the upward swing, businesses and even small groups have an opportunity to make it work to their advantage.

Related Post: Social Media Footprint

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Benefits of Privacy App

Have you considered a private social networking app? There is a place for public social media like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, but there are also limitations. First and foremost is the fact that they are public, which means to a degree privacy is compromised. By utilizing a privacy app such as a private social network companies and even small groups can reap a variety of benefits.

Freely Collaborate
Whether you are a small church group or large multinational corporation the ability to quickly and freely collaborate on projects can be essential to success. When you have access to a “company” private social media application members are able to readily share ideas, make new connections and much more. Team members can use this tool to complete projects on time and resolve any issues efficiently.

Exclusive Club
There is just something about an exclusive membership that makes people feel more important and excited. Using a privacy app lets clients, customers and employees know they are free from the prying eyes of the general public. Private social media is a fantastic tool for building moral, customer service and excitement among members.

Perhaps the biggest benefit to using a privacy app is security. Not only are there concerns about identity theft and negative repercussions but there is also the issue of competition. If you and your team members want to collaborate on a new widget, the last thing you want is for your competition to get wind of the idea! Private social networks provide the security you need without hampering communication and collaboration between members.

Related post: Private Social Network

Final Thoughts
If you have not yet considered privacy app for your group or company team, now is a good time to do some research. People in general have come to accept the internet and social media as a part of everyday life, so why not harness this for your group or company benefit?

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Are You Thinking about Social Media Privacy?

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When you share photographs from the football game or comment on the latest political agenda, are you considering who could be sharing the experience with you, today or even sometime in the future? You might be amazed at how your social media presence can affect your life in a brick and mortar world. Consider some of the following:

If you or your teen is considering a college education, you may want to take your social media privacy serious. Would you be surprised to learn that 87% of colleges use Facebook as a resource when going through college applicants? Nearly 75% also look through Twitter feeds and YouTube videos as well. This raises more than a few concerns especially for would be college students who may have an indiscretion or two posted to their account but that does not give the full picture of the type of person or student they would be.

Related Post: Online privacy Concern

Job Applicants
While you may look at your social media profiles as a place to let your hair down, this could hurt you when it comes time to fill out job applications. Many parents and advisors are now telling young people to disable their accounts because there are always ways around social media privacy settings and potential employers know this. In many ways, it seems unfair, after all your private weekend life should not interfere with your professional life, but such is the internet world we live in.

Related Post: Private Social Network

Medical Concerns
If you think college and employers snooping around on your profiles is a big deal, consider the medical ramifications. Take for instance the case of a young man in need of a liver transplant; he and his mother had assured his doctor as well as the transplant team that he was sober. Just before he was placed on the transplant list, however, a psychiatrist on the team decided to check his social media and discovered pictures of the young man drinking at a local bar.

Is anything private anymore? More and more people are living their lives via social applications, and as you can see this can have some serious ramifications. Thankfully, there are other options available for those who would like to participate but want to preserve their social media privacy. Priveyo is a social networking app that allows you to set up your own private network to share and interact without fear of spying.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Online Privacy Concerns

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Today more and more people are online; in fact, the internet has become intricately woven into the very fabric of our lives. From online shopping to job applications there is very little that does not involve online access, which brings up some very valid concerns about online privacy.

Most people know that protecting your information online is important, that is why you may have extremely long passwords that you change periodically and good firewalls and anti-viruses on your home computer. These are all great ways to protect your information and online privacy, but have you considered privacy concerns with online social media sites?

Facebook, MySpace and many other social media platforms have become quite popular as a way to connect with family members, meet new people and share. However, do you know who you are sharing with? Privacy tools have improved over the years, but the chance of complete strangers accessing your photos, home address and much more still exists.

How can you protect yourself online? Here are a few helpful tips:
  • Change your passwords frequently
  • Do not use easy to guess passwords such as popular catch phrases or personal info
  • Check the privacy settings on social media sites on a regular basis (monthly, preferably)
  • Never use more than basic information for online profiles
  • Never log in to sensitive personal accounts over Wi-Fi or at a public location
If you are still concerned about online privacy but want to connect all your family members, the local soccer team or even your business colleagues there is another option, private social media. Today Priveyo provides all of the above with a safe and secure mobile app that is perfect for any organization. Share information, content, pictures and much more over your very own private social network and never again worry about who is seeing your posts or viewing your pictures.

Final Thoughts
Online privacy is an issue everyone should be concerned about. Identity thieves and criminals of all types are notorious for using the internet to locate their next victim. Thankfully, when it comes to social media you now have another, more secure option readily available.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Private Social Network

Private social network
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It is a completely new world out there and social media networks are now a big part of it. Organizations of all kinds are now using social networks to connect with customers, employees and the public in general. Thanks to the internet people and organizations can now share information, photos and much more almost instantly. Of course, most of what is currently available is public, which means less security and more annoying advertisements. That is why there are now private social network applications!

Private Network

Why use a private social network when there are so many popular public options? Public social media is great but it really leaves you at the mercy of the controlling company. What this means is privacy settings, advertisements and general management tools are all out of your control. In some cases this is not a huge problem, but as the number of users grows and profit becomes the overall goal it becomes a bigger and bigger issue.

Whether you are a local parents group that would rather not flash your kid’s pictures all over the internet world or a large multinational corporation, a private network through a company like Priveyo could be just what the doctor ordered. Enjoy full control over content and the tools it will take to reinforce your brand, recruit new members and so much more. What else can you do with a private social network? Here are a few options:
  • Manage group calendars
  • Control and manage content push
  • Garner feedback from participants
  • Manage membership, (remove “bad” apples)
  • Search for similar groups to connect with
  • Go mobile!


What kind of group or organization could benefit from a private social network? Anyone! Do you have a large family? Why not set up your own social network? Are you the coach of a local soccer team, pastor of a church or the head mom in charge of your local parenting club? You should really check out the options and benefits of having your own private social network. Privacy, security and discretion are top priority to the developers of Priveyo. Check out the different plan options available today and bring your team together in minutes!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tips for Better Friend List Control with the Right Social Media App

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Getting your friend list in order is vital for maintaining your social media online privacy.
A good privacy app can be a wonderful addition to your profile.
It should, however, work in coordination with your own thoughtful selection of people to include in your friend list.

Modify Your Friend List Periodically

It is important to understand that even the best social media app will fail achieving
results, if you are ignorant about your own safety. This is why you should go through
your friends list every now and then.
Remove people you are not communicating with and the ones you do not know.
Alternatively, you can use filters to limit the amount of personal information that these people are seeing.
Choose a Good Social Media App

The management of your friend list could be easier through the selection of a good
social media app. There are various key features you need to make sure that the privacy app comes with.

Good applications will allow you to track changes in your friend list, to track pending requests and to create lists or groups that you can add your friends to. These groups should be used for sharing the right kind of information with the right group of people.

A social media app should also enable you to block users or create a list of the people you have unfriended. It may also be useful to have a social media app that allows you to write notes about your interactions with each person. Such tools can result in much better online privacy and safer social media usage.

You should never rely on the default settings that a social network provides. Adjust the settings that involve your friend list, the groups that these people are classified in and the updates that they get to see.

Always have a group of closest friends that is given access to all of your information. Putting coworkers in a separate group will give you a chance to share solely professionally-relevant data with these people. 
Acquaintances should be listed in a separate group and these people should have solely limited access to your profile.

A good social media app can be useful for people trying to increase their online privacy. Giving your friend list structure and editing it occasionally will also be very important

Related Post: 4 Great Social Media Apps for Business

Monday, December 9, 2013

Can a Privacy App Contribute to Safer Social Network Usage?

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People who are concerned about their social media privacy have probably considered the selection of a privacy app. This application provides additional possibilities that the standard security settings are lacking. Can a privacy app improve the situation significantly and what do you need to know for the best selection?

What does the Privacy App do?

A privacy app increases social media privacy in several ways.

It will give you control over the manner in which you share information with the rest of the world. Often, a particular update will be intended solely for a special group of people. Doing customization will be much easier through the use of an application than through the adjustment of social media privacy settings.
Additionally, the privacy application can be used to create a private social network. This is probably the safest opportunity for being an active member of a community without fearing security threats.

Related Post: Biggest Online Privacy Concerns

Features of a Good Privacy Application

Choosing the best privacy app for your social network profiles depends on examining possibilities and comparing their features.

Personal data protection through stronger passwords and setting adjustments will decrease the risk of identity theft and fraud. It is also possible to get an application that controls the types of text you upload to social media profiles. This way, you can prevent the addition of thoughtless updates that you will regret in the future.

Other features of good privacy apps include ad opt out, automatic disabling of geo-tagging and the ability to create private groups that are password-protected.

Related Post: Reasons To Start Using Private Social Network

Be Careful with Everything You Add to Your Social Media Profile
Any application that you add to a social media profile will give third parties access to some of your personal information. This is why you have to think carefully before downloading and installing anything.

Read app reviews to make sure that it is developed by a reputable company.

You should also get to customize the app features before starting to use it. Disable the application from posting on your behalf or gaining access to sensitive data. If the application comes without such customization features, you should probably begin looking for something else to download.

Related Post:

Friday, December 6, 2013

Tips for Improving Your Social Media Privacy

Social network Profile
So many people fail understanding the importance of good social media privacy. Customization and tweaking the online privacy settings of a profile is the key to better and safer social media usage.
Here are several things you can do to easily increase your social media privacy.

Limit Profile Visibility

Regardless of the social network you are using, you should be limiting your profile visibility. All of the websites give you opportunities to determine which information is private and which can remain public.
It is very important to keep your address, your employment information and other personal facts private. Sharing such pieces of data with the entire world will increase the risk of becoming the victim of cyber stalking or crime.

Avoid Linking Different Social Media Profiles

You can use your Facebook profile to post updates on Twitter or Instagram. There are other possibilities for social network profile linking. Disable this option, if you are interested in maintaining your social media privacy.
You can limit update visibility on one of the social network but as your updates are automatically posted on another website, you will be giving people access to information that should be available solely to a particular group.

Turn Off Geo-Tagging

Social media privacy has been threatened seriously by geo-tagging possibilities. Many social networks allow you to add location to your photographs or to check in at a particular location.

If you are concerned about your online privacy, you should keep information about your location private. Go to your profile settings and disable geo-tagging for safer usage of the website.

Be Careful about Adding Social Networking Apps

Each social networking app that you install gives the developer access to some of your private information. Be extra-careful and pick apps developed solely by reputable companies.

There should also be possibilities for controlling the amount of information you are sharing with the application developer. Go through the list of your apps every now and then and remove any social networking app that you are no longer using. This way, you will be limiting the number of companies having access to your information and thus improving your social media privacy.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Main Reasons to Start Using a Private Social Network

Even if you use a good privacy social networking app, it is still possible to experience an online privacy breach as a result of standard social media usage. The private social network is a wonderful alternative. Here are some of the main reasons to consider joining a private social network.


As the name implies, this kind of social network guarantees your privacy. You get to decide who becomes a member of the network and you have full control over the content that is being shared.
There are certain things you cannot post for everyone to see on Facebook, for example. Tweaking the settings to make sure you are sharing with a particular group of people can be a cumbersome task. As a result, many people experience online privacy problems.

The Ability to Customize Content Sharing

Content sharing customization is much simpler for private social network members. There are fewer commercial interests involved in such projects, which means that the members have a lot of control.
You will be sharing solely with the people that you invite to your network or with a particular group. The content is limited and not available for the whole world to see. Achieving the same effect with traditional social networks will demand a lot of work and research for choosing the right privacy social networking app.

Niche Interactions

Private social networks tend to be highly specialized. Members benefit from this feature because they are interacting with similar-minded individuals.

General social networks can make you lose a lot of time and effort going through the content that dozens of people have shared. You will have to use filters, in order to get to the posts that you are mostly interested in. The private network is developed for a particular group of people. All the members will share similar interests, which increases the effectiveness of the communication.

Control Over Ads and Content

The private social network will be free of provocative or irrelevant ads, as well as sponsored content.

Dealing with all of the marketing messages that traditional social media contain will be cumbersome and annoying. The private social network protects you from the attempts of companies to gain your attention. The environment is safer and more conductive to an interesting conversation. Adding better privacy to the mix determines the superiority of the private social network.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Biggest Social Networking Online Privacy Concerns

Social Media Privacy Concerns
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Most people cannot imagine their life without social networking. Though highly beneficial, social networks already pose a wide range of online privacy concerns. Here are some of the most important issues to worry about, unless you are relying on a private social network.

Stalking and Cyber Bullying

Stalking and cyber bullying have been around for some time but social networks have led to even bigger online privacy breaches.

The type of information people add to social profiles can make it very easy for stalkers to find everything that they need. Additionally, some social networks have default settings that enable everyone to get access to some parts of a profile. This is also the reason for cyber bullying to be thriving and affecting so many social media members.

Merging Social Media Accounts and Privacy

Today, social media accounts can be used to log in nearly any account. A person can use their Facebook login information to access other social networking websites. This consolidation may seem like something very practical but it causes online privacy problems.

New plugins and tools for social media mergers get access to information shared with a particular website. This practice makes some people wonder what the future has to hold and how the new services will affect the privacy considerations of today.

Privacy Intrusion for Marketing Purposes

Many people opt for the usage of a private social network because of the standard way in which their personal information is being used elsewhere.

To provide effective marketing services, some social networks have already been found guilty of online privacy violations. Revealing information to third parties for the provision of better targeted ads is a security breach, especially if members have no information about their rights.

Location-Based Apps

Location-based applications are the trend of the future. Many social networks are already providing such services. Location-based social networking gives stalkers and cyber bullies new opportunities.

Photos can have geographic tags, members can sign in and reveal information about their location with the rest of the world. As fun as these features may be, they are connected to serious online privacy issues and personal risks.

Having better awareness of social network privacy issues is key to safe usage. Many people are still unaware of the customization opportunities, which leads to serious issues and problems.

Related Article: How to Increase Smart Phone Privacy

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Best Ways of Managing Your Social Media Footprint

Social media privacy is a legitimate concern but so many people forget about it. Is your social network behavior 100 percent safe? Can you show your profiles to potential employers without feeling embarrassed? Controlling your social media footprint will be determining for your safety. You better start tracking your digital footprint today!

What is a Social Media Footprint?
Social media footprint or digital footprint is all of the data that is left after your uploads and interactions with other people online. The digital footprint can severely compromise your social media privacy.

A social media footprint traditionally consists of:
  • Uploaded photos
  • Uploaded videos
  • Public profile information
  • Discussion group and community participation
  • Blog posts and social network notes
  • Social network profile information
The digital footprint can be either positive or negative, depending on the information that you upload and the manner in which you adjust social media privacy settings. Being in control is crucially important. There are certain things you should be doing in terms of decreasing the amount of publicly available information about yourself.

Google Yourself
To assess your online privacy, perform a simple Google search of your name. You will quickly gain access to the most prominent parts of the digital footprint.

See what the world is capable of finding out about you. If you come across embarrassing pieces of information from your college years, you will have some work to do.

Adjust Public Information Settings
For a start, adjust the public information settings in all of your social networking profiles. Figure out which bits of information you want to keep personal and which ones you are willing to share with the world. Installing a social networking app that manages your posts and updates is an easy and efficient method of controlling data sharing.

Go Through Your Friends List
Your list of friends is another cause of concern. Many people add social media “friends” without knowing these people in real life. Giving such individuals access to your personal information is really risky. They could be stalkers or they could use the information to harm you. Go through your friend list every now and then and remove the names of people who should not be there.

Remove Inappropriate Old Posts
Deleting all embarrassing old posts is going to be time-consuming but the step is essential for the creation of a positive digital footprint.

Many people start using social networks during their teenage years. At this time, social media privacy is far from the main priority. As you grow older, your online behavior will change. This is when you will have to start dealing with the mistakes you made in the past.

You should have full control over your digital footprint. Though editing is a cumbersome task, it can bring you numerous benefits. Think about the kind of image you want to create for yourself and begin building this kind of footprint today.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Main Internet Privacy Concerns of the Future

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Social media privacy has been discussed extensively over the past few years because of the numerous loopholes that leave members unprotected. Many technology experts worry that the future will bring new and more difficult to handle online privacy issues.

The popularity of mobile devices is growing all the time, which may affect mobile internet privacy in new ways. Smartphones and tablets enable users to access all of their social networks through a single profile and to perform multiple operations using open wireless networks and connections that have questionable security.

Mobile internet usage can compromise social media privacy seriously. Accessing numerous websites from the same account can easily lead to identity theft or unauthorized access to at least some kinds of important personal information.

As many companies are offering free services online, the level of customer privacy is also decreasing. Search engines, online stores and social networks will all have to discover the balance between using customer data for their needs and providing clients with a respectful, high-level service.

Social media privacy will continue growing as a concern because of this provision of free services, as well as the inclusion of numerous third-party applications in the social networking package.

Personalization and geotagging are two other concerns that will keep on growing in importance.

Many websites collect personal information from visitors and members, in order to provide customized content that corresponds to the user’s requirements. Google has also jumped on the bandwagon, making search engine results more personalized and dependent on user input than ever before.

Though such options provide convenience, people start wondering how much of their personal information is reaching third parties and how it is being put to use. The concerns are legitimate and online companies are yet to provide detailed answers about the manner in which they are maintaining user privacy.

Geotagging is a hot trend that is related both to smartphone usage and social media privacy.

Geotagging enables applications to identify the location of the user’s smartphone on the basis of GPS coordinates. This information is once again used to provide geographically relevant content. Many photo applications come with geotagging that automatically adds coordinates to every picture that is being taken.

It turns out that websites and third parties are getting information not only about the preferences of users but they also have a very accurate idea about the location of each person.

Finding the balance is going to remain a challenge. Social networks provide a lot of convenience but the security risks are growing all the time. Finding the right kind of privacy app is one viable solution but being aware of privacy policies and how information is being used will deliver much better results in the long-term.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Private vs. Public Social Networks – What Makes Them Different?

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A private social network is an interesting new development that is providing users with better control opportunities. Traditional social networks have been blamed several times for jeopardizing the online privacy of their members. This is how the private social network came into existence.

A public social networking website is open for membership to everybody. Though the members have some control over the privacy settings, there is still a lot of personal information that remains available for public viewing.

Even if a privacy social media app gets installed, there is still no guarantee that sensitive data is 100 percent protected. A number of social networks have been blamed for leaking user information to advertisers and other third parties without getting the consent of members.

All of these characteristics and developments have decreased the popularity of the open social network, especially among people who are trying to establish a certain online image for themselves. Lacking full control over content leads to problems, especially if people are interested in creating a highly professional image and who use social media apps for business purposes.

The private social network is a wonderful alternative to the traditional websites.

A private social network is a limited access community. Only a small group of people get the right to join and these people have full control over content and the information that they share with others.

Needless to say, a private social network enables higher level of control and customization. Personal information is protected and the social network is used solely for a particular purpose – communication with coworkers, the exchange of ideas or the practice of a hobby or a particular interest.

Many companies are relying on private social networks for business communication. The volume of content in this kind of social network is much smaller and it is strictly specialized. There is no risk of having personal photos leaked to the entire world simply because the purpose of the private social network is very different.

The one problem that comes with private social media is higher fees. Such communities are typically costlier to develop or there could be a membership fee that everybody has to pay. The higher level of security, however, makes the investment worth it for the majority of the members.

When choosing a social network, a person will first have to define objectives. If social networking is casual and used as a method of communicating with the world and getting to know new people, the open social network is a good selection.

If privacy and specialized communication are of key importance, the private social network is a better selection. It gives full control over content, specialization and communication with a selected pool of members.

The social networking market is becoming truly diversified to address the needs of all users. Private social networking is a hot new trend that is here to stay and to keep growing.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Safe Social Networking: The Role of Apps

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Whether you are using social networks for fun or for business, applications can make your life a whole lot easier. Choosing the right social media app for your needs will enhance the networking experience and diminish privacy risks.

There are several simple steps to follow, when choosing the right social networking app.

Customize Permissions

Most social media apps come with standard permissions. Upon installing those, you enable the social media app to access your personal information and to even post messages and status updates on your behalf.
Customizing these permissions is the first step towards safe social media usage. Limit the amount of personal information that applications have access to. An app should also be disabled from performing any operation without demanding your permission in advance.

Related Post: Ensuring The Social Media Privacy of Your Children

Install a Good Privacy Social Media App

A good privacy application is worth adding to your profile.

Numerous tools have been developed to protect your personal information and to decrease the risk of identity theft or carelessly sharing important personal data. Some applications control the text that you upload, others limit the number of people who see your posts.

Look through the possibilities and find a reputable privacy app that you can trust and that will keep all of your sensitive data private.

Related Post: How To Safeguard Your Online Privacy

Remove All Apps You are no Longer Using

Many people will install one social media app or another and forget about it soon after.

It is important to have some ideas about the applications you have added to your profile. Despite the fact you are not using everything, these old applications still have full access to your social networking profile.
To increase your privacy, remove all of the applications that you are no longer using. All social networks give you easy access to the tools installed in your profile, allowing you to edit their permissions or to remove the apps altogether.

Related Post: Understanding The Concept of Online Privacy

Get Only the Apps that You Need

Are you a person who carelessly install apps just because friends have those or because you have gotten a request? This kind of behavior is risky and it may lead to certain security problems in the future.

Think carefully before installing anything and giving it permission to view your personal information. Choose solely applications that have been developed by reputable companies and whose origin can be verified.
Many entertainment, quiz and game apps are simply created to collect personal information and to give companies access to such data. Do you want to have this kind of tool added to your profile? Being a bit more selective will certainly pay off.

The social networking app is an important part of the experience but it also poses some dangers. Educate yourself and learn how to choose safe and efficient applications. Picking the best tools will demand some research but doing your homework in advance will keep all of your sensitive information protected.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Ensuring the Social Media Privacy of Your Children

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Let us face it – denying your children access to social networks will be impossible. Introducing a strict ban means that they will create social media profiles without even telling you.

Teaching children social media privacy at an early age is essential to keep them safe online. Be a modern parent and help your youngster understand the benefits and the dangers of using popular social networking websites.

Have the Talk, Don’t Ignore the Problem

Ignoring the problem means that you will be putting your child at risk.
Talking about safe social networking and the possible dangers will be challenging but otherwise, your child will grow up thinking that sharing all kinds of personal information online is acceptable.

Sit down and discuss the specifics of social media privacy. Doing that at an early age will instill some healthy habits. There is no need to be overly negative or to forbid anything. Just make sure that your child is aware of the dangers.

Monitor the Information that Your Child is Sharing

You should be in control of the information that your child is sharing via social networks. There are many people who will use the profiles of teenagers for stalking purposes. Whether you use a social media app or you do manual editing, get in the habit of controlling the information.

Your child should never post information about their age, their address or the school that they study in. A predator could easily use that data to figure out the location of your child at any given time.
The same rule applies to monitoring photo and video uploads.

Set Limits

Make sure that your child understands the limits. The kind of behavior that is unacceptable offline is also inappropriate in the online realm. Social media privacy depends heavily on your child’s behavior.
Peer pressure will force children, especially teenagers, into committing stupid mistakes. Revealing photographs and video clips have no place online. There should be some guidelines for social media usage and it is up to you to do the enforcement.

Be a Role Model

The social media privacy of your children will depend on your online behavior, as well.
Be a role model by creating the right kind of social networking profile for yourself. Lead by example and keep your profile clean. The manner in which you add online friends is also going to affect your child. Be careful!
Your child will have a social networking profile sooner or later. You need to get involved in the process right from the start. Let your kid know a bit more about the dangers but keep a positive attitude. Being open to new trends is essential for the relationship you have with your child.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Benefits and Uses of Private Social Networks

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Sharing all kinds of information with the entire world is a bad idea, especially if you are trying to succeed in the corporate world. Social networking has facilitated interactions but it has also resulted in the lack of privacy. The private social network comes as a perfect alternative to traditional social media.

Problems with Traditional Social Networks

Social media privacy is nearly non-existent in traditional networking websites. Even if you adjust the privacy settings, some information will remain public.

Performing a simple online search about yourself will reveal the amount of information that goes public without your knowledge or permission. Adjusting privacy settings in traditional social networks is a painful and slow process. Whether your information is used for marketing purposes or whether it is poorly protected, the results could easily be a breach of privacy.

Secured Communication

To ensure your social media privacy, you should simply join a private social network. Private social networks can be created on the basis of company affiliation, academic institution, neighborhood or lifestyle preferences.
The private social network allows you to communicate with other similar-minded individuals or professionals without the rest of the world learning about it.

You will interact and exchange ideas in a safe and private environment. This privacy will enable you to make the most of the conversation and to share information that you will typically be hesitant about.

Control over Content

An open social network gets tons of content updates on a daily basis. Some of the content could be valuable, some of it will be spam. Controlling this volume of content would be a mission impossible.

Smaller volumes of content that has higher quality are a main characteristic of the private social networks. These networks are easier to moderate and keep in excellent condition. Members will benefit from the information shared by other and any kind of problematic upload is going to be exceptionally easy to deal with.

Private Social Networks can be Used to Establish Connections

A private social network is the perfect option to build relationships between the employees of a company or to communicate with customers.

The fact that the social network is closed creates a sense of belonging. The community enjoys this safe environment and the fact that only a limited number of people can become members.

Brand recognition and company values become easier to enforce in this private environment. Customers can ask questions, employees will increase their qualification and the company will ultimately create value through its social networking campaign.

General social network have revolutionized the web world but their public character is also creating some problems. Closed social media are a wonderful alternative, especially for individuals having specialized needs and interested in maintaining their privacy. Social media privacy is nearly non-existent and the creation of private websites has addressed a market need that was previously left without a viable solution.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Social Media Marketing Tips

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Social media marketing is big these days. Billions of users regularly tweet, post, like, share or comment on different networks, and every business desires to reach out to them. Here are some social marketing tips that should help attract eyeballs and attention on both public and private social networks:

Organize An Event

Many experts recommend organizing an event or private parties once every 4-6 weeks and allowing fans to have a blast. The event can be as long as 24 hours and can have several sub-events that provide fun and information. For example, fans can be allowed to post links to their websites, there could be a lucky draw (every hour) for the best comment, whitepapers or ebooks can be given away, and more.

Attach Funny Images With Facebook Posts

Facebook has over one billion users and any comment can go quickly viral so long it appeals to the users. Try and sauce up your comments with a cartoon or a humorous image if you want users to take off on it. You will see many comments, likes and shares, and therefore more brand exposure.

Focus on 1 or 2 Platforms

The giant social networking sites are Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn. You should choose 1-2 of these and focus on it instead of posting on all the platforms without driving any meaningful engagement. Choose the platforms that are frequented by your customers, and stay away from the rest. Take your user engagement to a new level on a couple of platforms and you will see results in the space of a few months. You can focus the rest of your energy on private social platforms.

Involve Social Influencers

Social influencers are online all their working hours, passing on valuable feedback to their followers through blogs and social media. You should track such influencers and understand their target audience.

Once you’re done, you can start by sharing the influencer’s comments and posts with your audience. Once you get the influencer’s followers coming over to read your posts, you should develop original and valuable information for them and give it away. Who knows, even the influencer also may share your content. If that happens, you will suddenly see a surge in traffic and number of followers. This is one chance that’s worth taking.

Give Away Valuable Stuff On LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a business-minded social network and you can capitalize on it by giving away valuable information. People on LinkedIn want to enhance their skills and are always open to new information. Just ensure that you give it to your contacts, group members and followers, and not to the public. That way you will get many new followers and you can then start adding value to your brand.

These marketing tips should help you drive engagement on public and private social networks.