Priveyo Private Social Network

Priveyo Private Social Network

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Private Social Network

Private social network
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It is a completely new world out there and social media networks are now a big part of it. Organizations of all kinds are now using social networks to connect with customers, employees and the public in general. Thanks to the internet people and organizations can now share information, photos and much more almost instantly. Of course, most of what is currently available is public, which means less security and more annoying advertisements. That is why there are now private social network applications!

Private Network

Why use a private social network when there are so many popular public options? Public social media is great but it really leaves you at the mercy of the controlling company. What this means is privacy settings, advertisements and general management tools are all out of your control. In some cases this is not a huge problem, but as the number of users grows and profit becomes the overall goal it becomes a bigger and bigger issue.

Whether you are a local parents group that would rather not flash your kid’s pictures all over the internet world or a large multinational corporation, a private network through a company like Priveyo could be just what the doctor ordered. Enjoy full control over content and the tools it will take to reinforce your brand, recruit new members and so much more. What else can you do with a private social network? Here are a few options:
  • Manage group calendars
  • Control and manage content push
  • Garner feedback from participants
  • Manage membership, (remove “bad” apples)
  • Search for similar groups to connect with
  • Go mobile!


What kind of group or organization could benefit from a private social network? Anyone! Do you have a large family? Why not set up your own social network? Are you the coach of a local soccer team, pastor of a church or the head mom in charge of your local parenting club? You should really check out the options and benefits of having your own private social network. Privacy, security and discretion are top priority to the developers of Priveyo. Check out the different plan options available today and bring your team together in minutes!

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