Priveyo Private Social Network

Priveyo Private Social Network

Sunday, December 29, 2013

What Don’t You Know about Social Media Apps?

Do you think you know who is using social media apps? If you are thinking it is all teenagers, think again! In fact, on sites like Facebook the demographic has definitely shifted from teenagers and young adults to the over 40 crowd and this is only one new statistic out about who is accessing social media. It is safe to say that social networking online has become a standard part of American life, which means it can be a useful tool for businesses and small groups.

Along with rising numbers of users, studies are showing people are logging into their online profiles numerous times per day. One study showed Facebook users check their profile at least four times per day on average. What does this mean for a small group or large company? Social media is becoming an ingrained habit in the lives of many Americans, which could result in great success with a private social media app.

Currently there is a push to achieve broader brand recognition with social media, but only about a third of current users are actively following their favorite brands. This means there is a huge opportunity for improvement. Companies who actively court and engage their customers on social media are going to reap huge benefits, if it is done correctly.

What other factors could be important to your group or organization? Are you trying to start a small local chapter supporting your political party? It might be important for you to know that 33% of Twitter users self-identify as democrats. Are you looking to start an English as a second language group in your hometown? Hispanics now lead in the percentage of people actively engaged in social media platforms.

Is it safe to assume that social media has changed the way we live our lives and the way we do business? That would be a resounding yes, on all accounts. This is a current trend and while it is still on the upward swing, businesses and even small groups have an opportunity to make it work to their advantage.

Related Post: Social Media Footprint

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