Priveyo Private Social Network

Priveyo Private Social Network

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Planning Private Parties With A Private Social Network

We've all tried to plan events for a small gathering of friends through social media before. What starts off as an honest attempt to plan a party for friday evening soon ends up with your friends inviting their friends, who invite their friends, and ultimately your intimate get together turns into a party that you can't afford all of the supplies for.

This is what happens when you rely on standard forms of social for your party planning needs. What you require is a social networking app that is designed around privacy. If you had used Priveyo's private social network to create the party event, you wouldn't be having to worry about all of those extra party guests showing up.

With regular social networking, your friends can invite friends to an event, who will invite their friends as well, and so on, simply because they each think that the party would be more fun if their other friends were present as well. With Priveyo's private social network, you could control the visibility of such an event, not only preventing anyone but you from inviting more people, but keeping those who weren't invited by you personally from even knowing that your party exists.

In a private social networking app environment, your private get togethers stay exactly as they were meant to be. Priveyo allows you to make your party a public event, so that your friends can invite their friends if they want to. But, if you happen to have a landlord who considers ten people to be "disturbing the peace", then you are going to need to keep a tight leash on the number of people who show up. 

Keeping your privacy in check is Priveyo's primary concern as your social networking app. When what you have planned is an intimate gathering of five or six friends where you plan to cook a great meal, you need to make sure that no extra guests show up to your gathering. 

Keeping your event under control comes in how you set up your group. Public events can be seen and joined by anyone who cares to be curious about your party. When you set your party to the protected level of security, anyone who knows about your party can search for the group that you made, but they will need the password in order to get in and see the details of when and where.

But for the ultimate privacy, your get together needs the private Priveyo setting. This private social network setting means that your party plans are completely invisible to everyone, until you personally invite them to join the group. This means that even those who have heard about your party still won't be able to find information about it through our social networking app. Even when they are invited, they will still need the password in order to get in, providing an extra layer of security to your party planning needs.

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