Priveyo Private Social Network

Priveyo Private Social Network

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Keep Your Children's Club Details Private With Online Privacy

Across America, those parents who are striving to create safer, more reliable methods of entertaining their children have started creating children's clubs. Whether these are involved with local religious groups, feature organizations such as Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and 4-H, or are just a collection of parents who want to provide safe environments for their children's entertainment, they all have the same goal in mind: give their kids a place to play that isn't filled with danger.

However, when you use social media to communicate the plans of your children's club with other parents, you couldn't be placing your children in greater danger. When it comes to discussing plans in groups like this, online privacy isn't exactly something that goes hand in hand with group discussions. Social media privacy is so difficult to achieve because social media makes its money from ads that target consumers.

You've all seen the ever changing ads on the side of most social media pages, and how those ads always seem to relate to words that you've recently typed in on the social media platform. The creators of social media make money every time someone clicks on one of these ads. To that end, the more people who can see your children's club posts and comment on them, the more opportunities for ads exist on other people's screens.

To this end, your social media privacy is practically non-existent on the major social networking sites. Even in your closed children's group, when a member makes a comment, the social media site announces to all of that person's friends that they made a comment on such and such a board. They may not be able to read it, but the record of your activity exists. Then, people who are curious about your group's activities ask to join the group and someone lets them in. So much for online privacy. Now people who aren't even in your neighborhood are reading about your after school plans for Friday afternoon.

If you are wanting to keep your children's club plans private, and afford your children with all of the protection you can offer, then you need a social media privacy app that is actually concerned with your online privacy. When you use Priveyo, you can control not only who has access to your group with password protection, but also who can see anything relating to the group's existence.

From the highest privacy settings, your children's club discussions are so secure that even if someone knows the name of your group, they won't be able to locate it through Priveyo's search engine. As far as Priveyo is concerned, to the public, your group doesn't even exist. With online privacy this secure, you can finally start making plans for your children without needing to worry about who's creeping on the children's group for uncouth reasons. Your discussions will be secure, and your ability to plan safe again, thanks to Priveyo.

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