Priveyo Private Social Network

Priveyo Private Social Network

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

5 Reasons Your Class Group Needs Online Privacy

When you are trying to communicate with a study group over social media, you need a way to keep your messages somewhat private. It's not that you're planning to overthrow the classroom or boycott the exam, but rather that the information your class has is what the studying needs to take place around, not what outsiders may want to include. Here are X reasons why a study group needs to have online privacy.

Class Paces

 Even though your instructor teaches the same class five different times this semester, not every class is at the same point when it comes time to take the midterm exam. Classes that meet three days a week may be a little further ahead than those that meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. By the same token, the Wednesday night class could be so far ahead of everyone else that the instructor has been adding extra information in an attempt to slow their progress down. Since each class is at a different place in their studies, it is important that each class have social media privacy in order to study only their own materials. Tuesdays and Thursdays only.

Special Assignments

There are special circumstances in college classes where the instructor may offer one class the option of doing additional make-up work in order to save their grades. You need the online privacy to discuss this without getting all of the other classes jealous over the fact that more than half of your class is failing. This is extra work for your class, not an opportunity that is available to everyone, and it needs to remain that way.

Instructor Participation

When you are planning study group meetings, if someone happens to be brave enough to invite the professor to come and help, then everyone in the class will benefit from the situation. However, those from other classes, who may be at different locations in the text, would only be hindered by attending your study sessions. You need a social media privacy app that can let only your class communicate.

Classroom Questions

If you have a question about some part of the subject you are learning, it can be embarrassing enough to ask just your own class. You will get the answer that you need and be able to continue with your studies, but your class will know that you needed the help. If you were faced with the prospect of asking that question in front of students from all five of the classes your professor teaches, you probably wouldn't be brave enough to ask it. With your online privacy guaranteed, you will know the question won't go beyond your classroom.

Classroom Discussions

If your class wants to continue your discussion online once the class has finished, you will be able to do so if you have a social media privacy. Talk with your classmates and encourage others to learn more information as well, so that everyone in your class can benefit from a private meeting place.

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